Chester County Coed Softball League
What is WCASA?
League History
Spring Results
Fall Results
Spring Playoffs
Fall Playoffs
League Rules
Playoff Rules
Field Rules
Sportsmanship Rules
Spring Teams
Fall Teams
Bat Review
Player Sign-Up
Team Registration
Free Agents
January 17, 2025
1. Men can
swing single wall, one-piece bats. No steels, corndogs are allowed.
**If you have a question about a bat, please check with someone before the game starts.
2. Women can swing any ASA approved composite bat.
**If you have a question about a bat, please check with someone before the game starts.
One or Two Extra Player(s) (EP) of either gender can be added to lineup prior to going through the rotation once. Once the leadoff batter comes to the plate for the second time and is thrown one pitch, no players may be added to that team’s lineup. If a team wants to "save" a spot for a player coming late, they must take an automatic out at the end of their lineup. A team may end with one less player than they started with as long as the player in question was not ejected.
Three women must play in the field and bat unless a team only has two women, in which case the third spot in the line-up is an automatic out and the team can only field 9 players. (i.e. they lose a male fielder). The women cannot rotate from batting slot to batting slot. In other words, if a woman is in the 6th position in the batting order, she cannot move to another woman’s (or man’s) batting spot. If a team has only two women, they may still add one or two extra hitters to their lineup, however the automatic out spot must not be lower than the 6th spot in the lineup.
. Runners
either slide into home plate or avoid contact completely if there is a play there. A runner that does not slide or avoid contact will be called out.
A runner may not leave a base until the ball reaches home plate (per ASA guidelines).
Two courtesy runners per game (gender specific). The courtesy runner will be the last out whether the out was made at bat or on the basepaths. A courtesy runner may also be a bench player of the same gender that has not entered the game.
On a Ground-rule Homerun, Batter may touch 1st base and walk off field. (ASA walk off rule)
Medical Runner: Aside from your two regular courtesy runners, ONE designated player will be allowed a medical runner. They must use the same person to run for them each time. For example, if you have a medical runner- you bat, run to first, and then call time to allow your medical runner to swap with you. Medical runners must be clarified with the ump and opposing team managers during ground rules. This is an ADA rule and only to be used under best judgment of a medical condition...Medical runners must be stated before the game unless otherwise approved by the umpire.
All pitches must have a perceptible arc and reach at height of at least 6 feet and not exceeding 10 feet.
Illegal Pitch - If an illegal pitch is called by the umpire, the batter may swing at his/her own discretion. It is not a dead ball. There is no warning (in other words, first time is not a "warning")
Pitcher will have three pitches between innings (in no more than 1 minute) unless there is a pitching change. Relief pitchers will get 7 pitches from the mound (in no more than 2 minutes).
The balls and strikes count starts at 1 ball and 1 strike for all batters.
Women and men get one courtesy foul at two strikes.
When a woman is up to bat, all infielders on the field must stay behind the bases.
If the pitcher walks a man and the next batter is a woman, the man automatically advances to second base, all runners forced to advance do so and the woman bats. If a team has only 2 women batters, then the automatic out spot is still considered a ’women’ position in the batting order. If a pitcher walks a man before the automatic out, the man advances to second base as above.
Men will hit 12 inch low compression softballs; women will hit 11 inch low compression softballs.
Women cannot be thrown out at first base by an outfielder after hitting the ball. Force plays are still in effect, so outfielders can throw to second, third or home for force outs. Once a women rounds first base, she is "in play" for plays at first base.
No bunting. No chop hitting.
BATTING OUT OF ORDER: If a batter bats out of order, this is an appeal play, which must be brought to the umpire’s attention. If it is detected while the incorrect batter is at bat, the correct batter assumes the count and all plays made will stand. If it is detected after the incorrect batter has completed their turn at bat and before the next pitch (legal or illegal), the improper batter’s time at bat is negated, the batter who should have batted is out, any advance or score made because of the improper batter’s advance is negated, runners not called out must return to the last base occupied at the time of the pitch, however runners put out on the play remain out. The next batter is the player whose name follows that of the player called out for failing to bat. If the error is discovered after the first pitch to the next batter, the turn at bat of the incorrect batter is legal, all runs scored and bases run are legal and the next batter shall be the one whose name follows that of the incorrect batter. No one is called out for failure to bat. No base runner shall be removed from a base to bat in his/her proper place. They merely miss their turn at bat with no penalty.
A player may only play for 1 team during the season. Any player caught playing for multiple teams, those games he/she participated in will be considered a forfeit and the player will be suspended for the season.
Teams must enter their lineup within 1 week of any played game. Teams are to enter players that played in the game only. Any attempt by teams to enter players that did not play in the game is a violation of League Sportsmanship, and will be handled with the league ethics committee and punishable by forfeiture of game played, forfeiture of playoff eligibility, suspension, etc
Run Ahead Rule to be as listed below:
20 after 3 complete innings
15 after 4 complete innings
10 after 5 complete innings
Forfeit Time - Umpire waits 15 minutes for game to start - Game MUST start when both teams have at least eight (8) players available - 2 women must be in lineup. When the third woman spot comes up in the lineup, it is an automatic out.
If a team forfeits more than two (2) games in the regular season without notifying the league commissioner in ample time prior to the game, that team is eliminated from further league play for the remainder of the current year and is not eligible to return for the following year.
Rainouts - The league will decide if a game is to be canceled as the league must give the umpire one (1) hour notice. Game will be rescheduled by the league with ample lead time (usually 2 weeks) except in cases such as the end of season reschedules. If a game goes 4 and 1/2 innings and the home team is ahead, the game is official. If a game goes 5 full innings and the away team is ahead, the game is official.
If a game goes at least 3 full innings and is rained out, the game will be completed from the exact point when the game was called, unless it is considered an "official game". If a game goes less than 3 full innings and is rained out, the rescheduled game will start from scratch.
All league participants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. A team will forfeit any game in which a player under the age of 18 is used.
Teams will be responsible for trash pickup and any damage to township, borough, or West Chester Area Sports Association property by his or her team .
Participation is at your own risk.
League liability insurance will not cover personal injury
Vehicle parking is at your own risk.
League insurance will not cover damage to your personal vehicle.
Scores must be entered on the website by noon of the day after the game. The winning team is required to post scores. Recaps should be entered on the website no more than one day after the game. Winning teams are required to enter recaps but both teams may do so.
The Complex field time slots are 6:45pm, 8:05pm, and 9:20p on Mondays. 8:05pm and 9:20pm Tuesday-Friday. A new inning cannot start five minutes before the next time slot. example: If a 6:15pm game is in the 6th inning at 7:40pm , the inning will be completed and the game considered a valid game, unless in the case of a tie. (Ties will be rescheduled at the point where the game left off).
All other rules are covered under
ASA official rules.
All league decisions are final
Copyright © 2025 The Chester County Coed Softball League. All Rights Reserved.
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